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Showing results 1 to 20 of 1519

Session NumberDebate Date(DD-MM-YYYY)Debate TypeDebate Title SubjectDebate TitlesMembers ParticipatedView
23328-Nov-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSRevival of sick fertilizer plantsVIPLOVE THAKURView...
23328-Nov-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSDemand and supply of fertilizers to TelanganaPALVAI GOVARDHAN REDDYView...
23328-Nov-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSMarketing support to public sector pharmaceutical unitsDILIPBHAI PANDYAView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSupply of generic drugs, medicines at affordable prices in KarnatakaVIJAY MALLYAView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSManufacturing of generic medicinesPRABHAT JHAView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSRates of medicines at Jan Aushadhi StoresPALVAI GOVARDHAN REDDYView...
23328-Nov-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSCompensation paid by Union Carbide to Bhopal gas victimsANIL DESAIView...
23328-Nov-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSDeregulation of prices of medicinesPRABHAT JHAView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSPrice increase of essential medicinesC.P. NARAYANANView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSApplication for licences to produce patented medicinesTAPAN KUMAR SENView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSIncreasing profile of products sold at Jan Aushadhi StoresDEVENDER GOUD T.View...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSBroadening the ambit of NPPAPRAMOD TIWARIView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSInclusion of more drugs in NLEMD. RAJA; M.P. ACHUTHANView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSKrishi MelasMOHD. ALI KHANView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSOptimal utilization of country's capacity to manufacture fertilizersVIVEK GUPTAView...
23328-Nov-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSDemand and supply of fertilizersVIJAY GOELView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSProduction in Naphtha-based fertilizer unitsK.P. RAMALINGAMView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSPayment of subsidy to farmers directlyBHUPINDER SINGHView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSOvercharging for drugs under price controlP. BHATTACHARYAView...
23319-Dec-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSIncrease in prices of fertilizerMOHD. ALI KHANView...

Showing results 1 to 20 of 1519