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Showing results 1 to 20 of 211

Session NumberDebate Date(DD-MM-YYYY)Debate TypeDebate Title SubjectDebate TitlesMembers ParticipatedView
1727-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSIrregular investment of Oil Industry Development BoardSUSHMA SWARAJ; RAM JETHMALANI; JOYANTA ROYView...
1728-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSgrammes in StatesJOYANTA ROYView...
1728-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSScheme for Promotion of tourismJOYANTA ROYView...
1729-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSProduction of Pulses and oilseedsJOYANTA ROYView...
17212-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSPersons absorbed in service Through Employment ExchangesJOYANTA ROY; AJIT P.K. JOGIView...
17212-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSDeclaration of Agricultural Labour PolicyJOYANTA ROYView...
1729-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSForeign investment in educationJOYANTA ROYView...
1727-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSModernisation of Railway Stations in Howrah DivisionJOYANTA ROYView...
17215-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSetting up of paper industry in Murshudabad, West BengalJOYANTA ROYView...
17213-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSAmount of public deposit in different BanksJOYANTA ROYView...
17214-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSetting up of locoshed at AzimganjJOYANTA ROYView...
17214-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSRe-installation of bridge over river Bhagirathi at AzimgunjJOYANTA ROYView...
17213-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSFax Machine at Borhampore telegraph officeJOYANTA ROYView...
17213-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSForeign debt received from different agenciesSUSHMA SWARAJ; JOYANTA ROYView...
17213-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSick NTC mills in West BengalJOYANTA ROYView...
17213-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSTD Facilities at Murshidabad in West BengalJOYANTA ROYView...
17222-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSCrisis in small, tiny and medium industriesJOYANTA ROY; DEBABRATA BISWASView...
17222-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSFailure of Projects to Meet Production TargetsJOYANTA ROYView...
17220-Dec-1994Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSmuggling from India to BangladeshJOYANTA ROY; DEBABRATA BISWASView...

Showing results 1 to 20 of 211