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Showing results 41 to 60 of 118

Session NumberDebate Date(DD-MM-YYYY)Debate TypeDebate Title SubjectDebate TitlesMembers ParticipatedView
1987-Apr-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSLegislation on small family normsABHAY KANT PRASADView...
19825-Apr-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSPromotion to private fertilizer companiesABHAY KANT PRASADView...
19822-Apr-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSFake Notes in BanksABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1987-May-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSInvolvement of foreign nationals in terrorist activitiesABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1988-Apr-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSDevelopment of Touriem in JharkhandABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1987-May-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSCoal reserves in the countryABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1987-May-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSVacant posts in different MinistriesABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1986-May-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSLoan received from foreign countriesABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1987-Apr-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSCapitation feeABHAY KANT PRASADView...
19914-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSMobile and Internet services in Himachal PradeshABHAY KANT PRASADView...
19918-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSDDA housing scheme for retiring employeesABHAY KANT PRASADView...
19925-Jul-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSEstablishment of higher education centres in Rural AreasABHAY KANT PRASADView...
19919-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSCrude Oil Prices in International MarketABHAY KANT PRASADView...
19930-Jul-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSLack of storage facilities for explosivesABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1994-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSLeprosy patientsABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1994-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSTarget for foreign investmentABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1995-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSExpenditure incurred by MinistriesABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1995-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSchemes for flood controlABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1991-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSShortage of Kendriya Vidyalayas and teachers in JharkhandABHAY KANT PRASADView...
1991-Aug-2003Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSPrice of PotashABHAY KANT PRASADView...

Showing results 41 to 60 of 118