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Showing results 21 to 40 of 840

Session NumberDebate Date(DD-MM-YYYY)Debate TypeDebate Title SubjectDebate TitlesMembers ParticipatedView
23221-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSStrengthening of Panchayati RajNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23223-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSDevelopment plan for world famous desert triangle of RajasthanNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23224-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSTelecast of Pakistan TVNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23230-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSConstruction of building of IIT, JodhpurNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23224-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSetting up of National Conservation Breeding CentreNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23230-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSIncluding Combo and Integrated types of Courses in Training ProgrammesNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23230-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSEquipping State police with sophisticated technologyNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23231-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSJaipur Metro ProjectNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23230-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSRequirement of coal for power generationNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23230-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSetting up of CNG outlets in RajasthanNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23230-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSCrisis of drinking water in RajasthanNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23231-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSEnvironment plan to save the riversNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23224-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSchemes for extending forest coverNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23230-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSSpecial status to Rajasthan under NRDWPNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
23231-Jul-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSAnganwadi centres in RajasthanNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
2325-Aug-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSShortage of staff in nationalised banksNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
2325-Aug-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSContribution of private banksNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
2321-Aug-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSPhysical verification of beneficiaries under PDSNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
2321-Aug-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSSurvey for Phalodi city, Jodhpur Kandla port railway lineNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...
2324-Aug-2014Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSPending drinking water schemes of RajasthanNARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYAView...

Showing results 21 to 40 of 840