Browsing by Members Participated N.M. KAMBLE

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 335

Session NumberDebate Date(DD-MM-YYYY)Debate TypeDebate Title SubjectDebate TitlesMembers ParticipatedView
08926-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSBroad Gauge Line between Nagpur and Jabalpur via RamtekS.W. DHABE; N.M. KAMBLEView...
08928-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSScheme to create buffer stock for seedsDEORAO PATIL; KRISHNARAO NARAYAN DHULAP; N.M. KAMBLE; S.W. DHABE; R.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKARView...
08928-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSCentral assistance to the Municipal Corporations in MaharashtraN.M. KAMBLE; S.W. DHABE; R.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKARView...
08928-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSLegistlation on Manufacturing CigarettesDEORAO PATIL; N.M. KAMBLEView...
08928-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSLeprosy programme in MaharashtraDEORAO PATIL; N.M. KAMBLE; S.W. DHABEView...
08928-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSDemand of foundation seedsN.M. KAMBLE; S.W. DHABE; R.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKARView...
08928-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSRequirement of certified seeds of hybrids and other varietiesDEORAO PATIL; N.M. KAMBLE; S.W. DHABE; R.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKARView...
08927-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSAssistance for new co-operative spinning mills in maharashtraR.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKAR; N.M. KAMBLE; S.W. DHABEView...
08927-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSRehabilitation of Silk Cloth MillsDEORAO PATIL; N.M. KAMBLE; S.W. DHABE; R.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKARView...
08930-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSShifting of National Labour Institute to PoonaS.W. DHABE; N.M. KAMBLEView...
08927-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSAppointment of Members of Parliament as Directors on Boards of Management of Public UndertakingsDEORAO PATIL; N.M. KAMBLE; S.W. DHABE; R.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKARView...
08927-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSRaid by Income tax Officials in Yeotmal District in MaharashtraDEORAO PATIL; N.M. KAMBLE; R.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKARView...
08921-Aug-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSSelection of basket ball players for the Asian Games at TehranS.W. DHABE; N.M. KAMBLEView...
09010-Dec-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSScheme to Create Buffer Stock for Cotton and JuteN.M. KAMBLE; R.D. JAGTAP AVERGOANKAR; KRISHNARAO NARAYAN DHULAPView...
09017-Dec-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSReduction of import duty on cottonKRISHNARAO NARAYAN DHULAP; DEORAO PATIL; N.M. KAMBLEView...
09013-Dec-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONSSino-Indian RelationsKRISHNARAO NARAYAN DHULAP; N.M. KAMBLEView...
09019-Dec-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSRedemarcation of areas for Central subsidy to cover growth centres in Backward AreasKRISHNARAO NARAYAN DHULAP; N.M. KAMBLEView...
09019-Dec-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS-S.C. and S.T. Students sent Abroad for Higher EducationKRISHNARAO NARAYAN DHULAP; N.M. KAMBLEView...
09020-Dec-1974Part 1(Question and Answer)WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONSConversion of Highways into National Highways in Maharashtra State Export of iron ore and micaKRISHNARAO NARAYAN DHULAP; N.M. KAMBLE; DEORAO PATILView...

Showing results 1 to 20 of 335