Session Number | Debate Date(DD-MM-YYYY) | Debate Type | Debate Title Subject | Debate Titles | Members Participated | View |
250 | 22-Nov-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS | Assistance to Maharashtra for development of clusters of farmers | PARSHOTTAM KHODABHAI RUPALA; CHAIRMAN; MAJEED MEMON | View... |
250 | 22-Nov-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Disbursement of installments under PM-Kisan Yojana | VANDANA CHAVAN | View... |
250 | 29-Nov-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Barren land in the country | MOTILAL VORA | View... |
250 | 29-Nov-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Aquaponic farming in the country | VIJAY PAL SINGH TOMAR | View... |
249 | 12-Jul-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Schemes for reducing agricultural input cost | P.L. PUNIA | View... |