248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Adulteration in fishery products | M. P. VEERENDRA KUMAR | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Malnourished and stunted children | SANJAY SINGH | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Involving private insurance companies in PMJAY | SANTANU SEN | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Low spending out of GDP on health | B.K. HARIPRASAD | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | People benefited under PMJAY | T. SUBBARAMI REDDY; AMBIKA SONI | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Prevention of mortality from vector-borne diseases | HISHEY LACHUNGPA | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Non-implementation of reservation norms in UG medical college admissions | V. VIJAYASAI REDDY | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Total budget allocated and spent for FP | JOSE K. MANI | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Demand for setting up AIIMS at Varanasi, U.P. | NEERAJ SHEKHAR; RAVI PRAKASH VERMA; CHHAYA VERMA | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Ayushman Bharat Programme | T. G. VENKATESH | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Physiotherapists in government hospitals | RAM NATH THAKUR; T. G. VENKATESH | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Ayushman Bharat Scheme | ABHISHEK MANU SINGHVI | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Ban on FDC drugs | MOHD. ALI KHAN | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Converting SHCs and PHCs into health and wellness centres | PRABHAT JHA | View... |
248 | 12-Feb-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Progress in implementation of Ayushman Bharat | MOHD. ALI KHAN | View... |