164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Norms for spending the allocation by the Universities | RAMDAS AGARWAL | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Financial Assistance to Scholars for going abroad | KRISHAN LAL SHARMA | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Gujarat | VEENA VERMA | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Opening of youth Development Centres in Gujarat | RAMSINH RATHWA | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Misappropriation of Funds | BAPU KALDATE | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Sahitya Academi award | PRAMOD MAHAJAN; SAROJ KHAPARDE | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Unauthorised excaration in Gujarat | JINENDRA KUMAR JAIN; RAM JETHMALANI | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Minor girl married to Afghan citizen | VITHALRAO MADHAVRAO JADHAV; SURENDER SINGH | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | National Professors in the country | SHRIKANT RAMCHANDRA JICHKAR; SUSHIL KUMAR SHINDE | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Excavation work by Archaeological Survey of India | SATYA PRAKASH MALAVIYA | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Loss allocation for primary Evolution | RAM JETHMALANI; VIREN J. SHAH; VINOD SHARMA | View... |
164 | 24-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Admissons in the Colleges of Delhi University | SHANKAR DAYAL SINGH | View... |
164 | 17-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Payment of HRA and CCA arrears to teachers of Government Girls Middle School, Madangir, Delhi | RAJNI RANJAN SAHU | View... |
164 | 17-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Job racket to lure young girls 905 Shrimati Sarala Maheswari | SARLA MAHESHWARI | View... |
164 | 17-Jul-1992 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Amount spent on training abroad on Sports and Games | M.A. BABY | View... |