Session Number | Debate Date(DD-MM-YYYY) | Debate Type | Debate Title Subject | Debate Titles | Members Participated | View |
195 | 29-Apr-2002 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Banning the use of children as soldiers | RUMANDLA RAMACHANDRAIAH | View... |
195 | 29-Apr-2002 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Publication of NCERT books under SC order | T. SUBBARAMI REDDY | View... |
195 | 29-Apr-2002 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Establishment of KVs | T. SUBBARAMI REDDY | View... |
195 | 29-Apr-2002 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Denial of Promotion to college teachers | RAMACHANDRA KHUNTIA | View... |
195 | 29-Apr-2002 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Admission in Medical Colleges | SAVITA SHARDA | View... |
195 | 29-Apr-2002 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Expenditure on Education | KAPIL SIBAL | View... |
195 | 29-Apr-2002 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Peace studies in schools | KARAN SINGH | View... |
195 | 29-Apr-2002 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS | Examination for Drawing Teachers in KVS | SHYAM LAL | View... |