Session Number | Debate Date(DD-MM-YYYY) | Debate Type | Debate Title Subject | Debate Titles | Members Participated | View |
250 | 21-Nov-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS | Rejection of H-1B visa requests by the US | SWAPAN DASGUPTA; K.J. ALPHONS; CHAIRMAN; SYED NASIR HUSSAIN; D. KUPENDRA REDDY | View... |
249 | 18-Jul-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS | India-China Dialogue on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation | AMBIKA SONI; RAKESH SINHA; SHANTA CHHETRI | View... |
249 | 27-Jun-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS | Bilateral relations with neighbouring countries | DEPUTY CHAIRMAN; AMAR SINGH; ANIL DESAI; D. RAJA; ANIL AGRAWAL | View... |
249 | 25-Jul-2019 | Part 1(Question and Answer) | ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS | E-passport for citizens | AMBIKA SONI; DEPUTY CHAIRMAN; VIJILA SATHYANANTH; SAROJINI HEMBRAM | View... |